Electrification is a major tool in the fight against climate change.
The transition to electrified transportation, factories, and residential heating & cooling are driving significant load growth. To meet the demands of mass electrification, the United States needs to triple grid capacity 3X by 2050, but traditional grid expansion is costly and can take years to complete.
Dynamic Line Ratings
LineRate® Suite
Dynamic Line Ratings (DLRs) are a powerful tool available to utilities to manage mass electrification.
DLRs allow utilities to make better use of their existing infrastructure, adding up to 40% additional capacity to transmission lines in a matter of months while paving the way for broader grid upgrades to support the electrified future.
Success Stories
"To meet the increasing demand for electricity and deliver net zero, our network needs to grow, but at the same time we are continually looking at ways of expanding capacity on our existing infrastructure. I’m proud that National Grid is leading the way in using transformational and innovative engineering, integrating vital grid enhancing technologies like LineVision’s, to decarbonise and deliver world class reliability, at lowest costs for consumers.”
Lydia Ogilvie
Director of Network Strategy and Operations
"Working with LineVision will advance our mission to deliver innovative and efficient electric transmission solutions that advance clean energy and best serve customers. The application of LineVision's advanced technology on the recently energized New York Energy Solution represents our proactive approach in identifying and addressing potential energy delivery challenges to maintain asset reliability."
Paul Haering
Vice President of Capital Investments