Renewable Energy Integration

Nearly 2 TW of renewable energy projects are stuck in the interconnection queue.

Studying, permitting, and implementing interconnection upgrades is an extensive process spanning years, placing many renewable energy projects in jeopardy of either perpetual delay or failure to realize their full generating potential. These long timelines and high costs can force a project to be withdrawn from the queue altogether.


LineVision LineRate Suite

Dynamic Line Ratings

LineRate® Suite

By deploying Dynamic Line Ratings on constrained lines, clean energy can be safely and quickly added to the grid.

To meet the growing demand for renewable energy, the expansion of grid capacity must match the pace of development. While long-term transmission planning and new transmission are essential for sustained grid reliability, near-term grid capacity can be delivered by maximizing the use of the existing infrastructure using technology like Dynamic Line Ratings.

Success Stories

National Grid


LineVision LUX Datasheet

LineVision LUX Datasheet

The LineVision Difference

The LineVision Difference

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